Dear Primary K Families,
Welcome to another week of learning for your children, which promises to be especially exciting since they will begin (spoiler alert) to create their own books! Here is a link to the schedule: TCS Primary K Schedule: Week of 5/18/20.
Highlights for the Week of May 18 are below:
- Word of the Week: Helpful. To accompany our discussions of the meaning of the word helpful, we will ask your children to write a thank you note to someone in their community who is a helper. Please follow up on this assignment with your children, helping them pick out a nurse, a doctor, a relative—anyone who helps others.
- The Discovery Museum. Don’t forget to pay a visit to one of our—and your child’s—favorite museums!
- Time Will Tell. Counting is essential to telling time. The more comfortable a child is with counting from 1 to 60 and skip-counting by 5, the easier telling the time will become. We’ll also be talking with the children about the different ways we measure time, including time zones and the invention of devices like clocks.
- My All About Me Book! As you know, we traditionally ask children in our K Program to create a book from start to finish. This project is the culmination of writing techniques your children have learned over the past year in Writing Workshop. Our students will start this special exercise in creativity—not only writing but also illustrating their books—using the digital platform Book Creator.
See you online!
The TCS Teachers